Saldarriaga, EstebanPalacio Correa, David2016-10-102016-10-102015 this project, entitled: Action Plan elaboration of an agricultural software for the collection of production data at the farm San Silvestre, we want to support all the necessary practices that are carried out within the farm to improve the quality and yields in the agricultural process that it takes place, especially as it has to do with the pig. During the execution of this project for the development of the action plan, we want to organize the company both in the productive part or administrative, thus contributing to improve efficiency in the production of agricultural farm, through the systematic registration of shares They made therein; which will result in the protection of human health, livestock production and the environment, therefore it is to design the action plan in the future to attaining certification in good agricultural practices since what is sought is to set a precedent for producers or pig farmers raise animals on the market and good quality international standards.esAcceso abiertoCorporación Universitaria LasallistaAdministración de Empresas AgropecuariasGanadería - Programas para computadorGranja San SilvestreElaboración de un Software Agropecuario para la recopilación de datos de producción en la Granja San SilvestreThesis