Velásquez Valderrama, Ángela María2012-04-252012-04-2520051794-4449 On of the most evident applications of biotechnological practices in bioindustry is the fermentation process with organisms like funguses and bacteria. They obtain the energy they need to grow and develop themselves from an organic subtract. During the kinetic mechanism of cellular growth and inhibition, use of subtract and maintenance, metabolic products of waste are produced simultaneously, and they are very important for industry. Objective: To determine the efficacy of the dry extraction method with spores of the Rizhopus sp fungus en the removal of tannins from green rejected bananas (boleja). Materials and methods: The tannin removal was made by a fermentation process in solid state with Rizhopus sp, in a laboratory scale fermentator that simulated the biological, physical, chemical, thermic and dynamic conditions of the process at a pilot scale. The qualitative analysis was made by the use of colorimetric charts, as shown in detail in the literature. The quantitative analysis was made by the ultraviolet espectrophotometry, visible where the samples were read at 700 nm and their absorbance referred to tannic acid. Results: The coefficient of lineal correlation obtained for the curve time vs concentration for the green banana with no peel was -0.9962, for the green bananas with their peels, was -0.9997 and for the peel of green banana was -0.9982 .Conclusion: The dry extraction of tannins present in the green rejected bananas is an effective method.esBioprocesosRizhopus spCorporación Universitaria LasallistaBanano verdeResiduos de cosechaTaninosSustancias antinutricionalesFermentación en estado sólidoResiduos agrícolasExtracción de taninos del banano verde de rechazoTannin extraction from green rejected bananasArticle