Urrego Estrada, Gleidy AlexandraBetancur Hernández, Luisa Fernanda2018-08-092018-08-092017Revista EN–Clave Social Vol. 6 N. 22256-3911http://hdl.handle.net/10567/1981The grotesque body is wielded within a cultural imprint in comparison with a modern body divided, atomized; because it imposes itself on the advertising strategies of a current world which goes to the maximum expression of the bodymerchandise, an exuberant and exotic body that personalities of the “world of entertainment” exhibit on social networks like Instagram. The current text identifies the problematic interstice “the ass,” part of the body where the back loses its name and whose objective is the convergence between that grotesque modern body in Bajtin and, the contemporary body inscribed in the aesthetic and capitalist market. The hermeneutic-qualitative exercise does not escape from this special period between the bodies of these two contexts and is clarified in the analysis of the social networks of those celebrities who expose their backside as the end of eroticism and perfect body. The cult to the “ass” has a cultural framework that is wrapped in the physical and dietary work of hypermodernity where the end of the back and its exemplification or stereotype of the female body in postmodernity is worshipped.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaFacultad de Ciencias Sociales y EducaciónCuerpo y sociedadCuerpo y culturaCuerpo grotescoCuerpo modernoErotismoFetichismoDel cuerpo grotesco al cuerpo moderno: una visión contemporánea del cuerpo desde el culto al culoDo corpo grotesco ao corpo moderno: uma visão contemporânea do corpo desde o culto a bundaFrom the Grotesque Body to the Modern Body:a Contemporary Vision of the Body from the Cult to the AssArticle