Mesa Cobo, Nora CristinaRodríguez Torres, Isaura Viviana2012-08-022012-08-022012-08-02978-958-8406-17-6 this document, a revision to some general aspects of the most important mite species that attack citrus crops in the South East of Colombia is made, and some results from recent research works on the subject are shown, along with a key to identify the main mite families that affect those crops.esCítricosCítricos - PlagasAcarosCítricos - ProducciónCorporación Universitaria LasallistaControl biológicoCítricos - ColombiaCítricos - CultivoÁcaros que afectan la calidad del fruto de los cítricos en ColombiaMites that affect the fruit’s quality in Colombian citrusBook chapter