Granados Aristizábal, Juan Ignacio2012-03-292012-03-292012-03-291909-0455 and commercialization from agricultural and livestock activities are very important for Colombia´s interests, given the fact that this country dedicates a big part of its soil to develop them. Therefore, a legal and technical structure has been being configured in order to achieve several objectives: First, some rules aim to allow consumers to have all of the relevant data to get products with the most thorough knowledge about their origins, qualities and aptitudes. There are also rules to stimulate the fabrication of ecological agricultural and livestock products by the use of labels and special licenses. This paper gathers some of those rules along with the constitutional, legal and jurisprudential development of the subject.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaÁrea Metropolitana del Valle de AburráIndustrias agropecuariasNormas de calidadProductos agropecuarios ecológicosEmpaquetadoEmpaque, publicidad y sellos de productos agropecuarios: hacia una producción y comercialización responsable y ecológicamente sustentablePacking, advertising and labels for agricultural and livestock products: towards a responsible and environmentally sustainable production and commercializationEmpacotamento, publicidade e selos de produtos agropecuários: para uma produção e comercialização responsável e ecologicamente sustentávelArticle