Restrepo Gallego, Mauricio2012-06-152012-06-1520071794-4449 foods are the newest tendency in production and market development. Among them, those with antioxidant properties have a very important position. This, along with the fact that we need to find substitutes for some potentially toxic or allergenic ingredients, compels us to keep looking for natural products. In the case of colorants, betacarothene gathers two important characteristics: It is a powerful antioxidant and also has a coloring power from red to yellow. It is proposed to replace the synthetic colorant tartrazine with another synthetic but that imitates the natural, the bcarothene, evaluating its stability and coloring capability, and also its potential functional properties.esBetacarotenoCorporaciĆ³n Universitaria LasallistaAlimentos funcionalesColorantes en los alimentosTartrazinaAlimentosSustituciĆ³n de colorantes en alimentosSubstitution of colorants in foodArticle