Gutiérrez Castañeda, ClaraQuintero Peñaranda, RicardoBurbano Caicedo, IlbaSimancas Trujillo, Ricardo2018-08-132018-08-132017Revista Lasallista de Investigación Vol. 14 N. 11794-4449 A distinctive sign proposal is presented for high-impact production and marketing of coast cheese in the state of Atlántico and in the Colombian Caribbean region. Objective. To propose coast cheese producers a production and marketing model of the product; a model which lays the foundation to covert craft cheese factories into a regional development instrument from the manufacture of a biotechnological-based innocuous product. Materials and methods. Descriptive research addressed from social-cultural and biotechnological aspects for the identification of collective values associated to cheese-making tradition, production preferences, association capacity, compliance with legal regulations, distinctive sign, and use of native dairy cultures in their production processes in order to incorporate characteristics of the typical cheese of the region. Results. Through the development of a distinctive sign, it is possible not only to position the coast cheese in the market as a high-value product but also to left behind the present non-differentiation typical of a basic product and to achieve the decrease of contamination risks, bearing into account the value added brought by microbial inoculation as biotechnological innovation in the product quality. Conclusion. The model shown has convinced the producers that under the distinctive sign their product has better value added and then they would be able to gain a higher price.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaQueso artesanalQueso costeñoQuesos - ProducciónQuesos - ComercializaciónCompetitividadModelo de quesería artesanal bajo un signo distintivo en el Caribe colombiano: caso AtlánticoCraft cheese factory under a distinctive sign in the colombian Caribbean: Atlántico caseModelo de indústria do queijo artesanal sob um signo distintivo no Caribe colombiano: caso da região AtlânticoArticle