Sánchez Sánchez, Diego Alonso2012-06-152012-06-1520071794-4449http://hdl.handle.net/10567/468With the appearance of online journals a new concept, digital journalism, came up as a new form of reporting journalism. Nevertheless, if we review theoretical journalism we notice that that it is only a return to the genesis of journalism, which speaks about the obligation of the reporter to investigate, to write in a clear an brief way, contextualizing and consulting several sources in order to present all the faces of the medal. Hence, and attending the classification made by José Luis Martínez Albertos, we could be speaking about a fourth stage of modern journalism: global journalism.esPeriodismo digitalCorporación Universitaria LasallistaHipertextoPeriodismoTecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC)El periodismo digital. Una nueva etapa del periodismo modernoDigital Journalism. A new stage of moderm journalismArticle