García Marín, María Eulalia2015-08-032015-08-032015-08-031909-0455 concept of permaculture was created by Bill Mollison and David Holmgren (1978)2 and proposes a way of living in harmony with nature, potentializing resources and generating surpluses along with a collaborative and not competitive mindset. From this proposal, a better life quality is intended. One of its main points is permaculture ethics, based on taking care of earth, people and generation of surpluses under time, money and energy terms. Mollison and Holmgren call this life based ethics a proposal of a different life style based on a culture that lasts in time and is in harmony with nature, thus being a commitment with the conservation of earth.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaÁrea Metropolitana del Valle de AburráPermaculturaÉticaMedio ambienteEcologíaLa permacultura como aporte a la ética ecológicaPermaculture as a contribution to ecological ethicsA permacultura como aporte à ética ecológicaArticle