Rodriguez Sánchez, Diego NoéMartins Amorim, Rogério2016-02-102016-02-102015-072256-3342 canines are the most attended species in daily routine, presenting neurologic signs caused by diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system. The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is a valuable tool for the approaching to canines with neurological signs. It is important to know more about collection techniques, as well as physicochemical and cytological characteristics, and all the information that can contribute with the diagnostic of neurological diseases.otherCorporación Universitaria LasallistaFacultad de Ciencias Administrativas y AgropecuariasPerros - EnfermedadesPerros - Enfermedades - TratamientoNeurología veterinariaLíquido cefalorraquidiano: função, análise e alterações em doenças neurológicas em cãesLíquido cefalorraquídeo: función, análisis y alteraciones en enfermedades neurológicas en caninosCerebrospinal fluid: function, analysis and disturbances in neurologic diseases in caninesArticle