Osset Hernández, Miquel2014-10-152014-10-152014-10-151794-4449http://hdl.handle.net/10567/1153The European Commission has recently promoted a Responsible Research and Innovation –RRI– policy, linked to the Horizon 2020 program, aiming to integrate the ethical and social impacts of research on its own evaluation processes. Some emerging methodologies are beginning to show ways to bring a policy with such characteristics to practice, and demonstrate the tangible benefits of doing it.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaUniversidad Pontificia BolivarianaInstitución Universitaria Colegio Mayor de AntioquiaInvestigaciónInvestigación y desarrolloBioéticaÉtica científicaResponsible Research and Innovation (RRI): la próxima frontera en I+DResponsible Research and Innovation (RRI): the next frontier in R+DResponsible Research and Innovation (RRI): a próxima fronteira em I+DArticle