Restrepo Botero, Juan Carlos2014-10-172014-10-1720141794-4449 peer review is known as the best process available to evaluate the scientific papers subjected to a revision. Great virtues are attributed to them, but also some problems have been reported evidencing the weaknesses of such system. This article makes a synthesis of the most important virtues, critics and possible solution strategies reported by scientific literature in recent years. These inputs are expected to be useful for the editors, peers and authors of scientific journals and serve as a guide to those interested in continuing with the research work required to strengthen this evaluation system.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaUniversidad Pontificia BolivarianaInstitución Universitaria Colegio Mayor de AntioquiaPublicación científicaRevisión por paresBioéticaÉtica científicaLa revisión por pares (“peer review”) en las revistas científicas: una revisión que demanda atenciónPeer review in scientific journals: a revision that demands attentionRevisão por pares (“peer review”) nas revistas científicas: uma revisão que demanda atençãoArticle