Arroyave Rojas, Joan AmirGarcés Giraldo, Luís FernandoArango Ruiz, Álvaro de Jesús2012-04-302012-04-3020091794-4449 The importance of treating waste waters is based on removing the contaminants and the mineralization of the components into compounds harmless for the environment, aiming to reduce the impact and the environmental misbalance generated by the presence of undesired substances in the aqueous ecosystems. Objective. To evaluate the mineralization of the Tartrazine dye by the use of heterogeneous photo catalysis with titanium dioxide and an ultra violet light lamp. Materials and methods. An experimental randomized factorial design was used. In the experiments, an ultra violet light lamp, a glass reservoir to store the aqueous solution sample and a pump to re-circulate the solution, were used. The mineralization was determined by the ultra violet /visible espectrophotometry, using sulfates for the parameter, and the removal of sulfates was calculated at different concentration times. Results. Mineralization percentages of the Tartrazine dye above 92.8% were achieved. Nevertheless, when technical and economic factors were analyzed, it was considered that the most adequate experimental combination to achieve the dye’s mineralization corresponds to a combination of 0mg/L of TiO2 and 0,2 % v/ v of the hydrogen peroxide oxidation agent, which represents a chemical oxidation process. Conclusion. Advanced oxidation processes, such as chemical oxidation with hydrogen peroxide, are beneficial for the mineralization of the Tartrazine dye.esFotodegradaciónCorporación Universitaria LasallistaTartrazinaAguas residualesContaminación del aguaOxidaciónDióxido de titanio (TIO2)Colorante azoicoMineralizaciónTratamiento de aguas residualesMineralización del colorante Tartrazina mediante un proceso de oxidación avanzadaMineralization of the Tartrazine dye by an advanced oxidation processMineralização do corante Tartrazina mediante um processo de oxidação avançadaArticle