Espitia Torres, Néstor VladimirNaranjo Montoya, Julián David2020-10-302020-10-3020201909-0455 importance of water is currently associated with the supply of large cities and with health, despite advances in sanitation and drinking water. Hence, it is key to study the ways in which people relate to water and how they represent it, to try to shape or modify behavior in favor of its preservation and more sustainable use, in order to identify advances in analysis of the forms of relationship between Social Representations (SR) and pro-environmental behavior. A literature search was carried out through search engines, Open Access directories, virtual libraries and databases, forming a corpus of 29 articles. In the results, three existing approaches or schools of SR were identified within the framework of the term water, as well as an inventory in which 11 types of SR of water were identified, and another with methodological tools and studies where the presence of predictive factors of pro-environmental behavior.esAcceso abiertoCorporación Universitaria LasallistaÁrea Metropolitana del Valle de AburráAgua potableConservación del aguaGestión ambientalRepresentación socialLas representaciones sociales del agua: herramientas para determinar un comportamiento pro-ambientalistaThe Social Representations of Water: Tools to determine a pro-environmentalist behaviorAs representações sociais da água: ferramentas para determinar um comportamento próambientalistainfo:eu-repo/semantics/articleinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAcces