Ospina Orozco, Pablo CesarJiménez Madrigal, William2012-07-132012-07-1320071909-0455http://hdl.handle.net/10567/534By controlling the volatile organic compounds (VOC) we aim to reduce the dependence on oil products, more scarce and expensive every day, and contribute to solve the problem of the ozone layer and the contaminating gases Controlling such emissions has become a part of our culture and is nowadays a very important issue that currently motivates new industrial developments.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaÁrea Metropolitana del Valle de AburráCompuestos orgánicos volátiles (VOC)Esmaltes domésticosDerivados del petróleoContaminación ambientalDesarrollo sostenible en los esmaltes arquitectónicos de vanguardiaSustainable Development in State of the Art Enamels used in ArchitectureDesenvolvimento sustentável nos esmaltes arquitetônicos de vanguardaArticle