Álvarez Hincapié, Carlos Federico2012-05-042012-05-042012-05-041909-0455http://hdl.handle.net/10567/228Environmental Management activities are more and more demanded by society in order to guarantee the sustainability of the productive processes, including those developed in rural areas. Thus, markets have generated certification mechanisms as a way to intervene in the production systems, making them amicable to the environment and creating another competitiveness tool for companies. To get these certifications technological extension activities are required from several social actors, including research centers, corporative sectors, universities and public and private agents.esGestión ambientalSistemas de certificación ambientalEtiquetadoSostenibilidadExtensión tecnológicaSistemas de producción amigables con el ambienteCorporación Universitaria LasallistaÁrea Metropolitana del Valle de AburráSistemas de certificación ambiental para la extensión tecnológica, la competitividad y el desarrollo ruralEnvironmental certification systems for technological extension, competitiveness and rural developmentSistemas de certificação ambiental para a extensão tecnológica, a competitividade e o desenvolvimento ruralArticle