Echavarría Ramírez, Andrés Felipe2012-05-162012-05-1620041794-4449 increasing number of web sites and resources provided by internet has made the process of search and recovery of useful information for schooling and research more difficult. Even though the Net has extremely important sources, these are unknown for the majority of traditional search engines. This is what it is known as “The Deep Net”. To access this small universe of internet, it is necessary to know the mechanisms, strategies and tools that facilitates and guarantee the achievement of our objectives.esInternetRed profundaRed superficialCorporación Universitaria LasallistaBases de datosBibliotecas electrónicasBuscadoresEstrategias de búsquedaUna visión al mundo de la búsqueda y recuperación de la información electrónicaA glimpse to the world of search and recovery of electronic informationArticle