Uribe Cano, Juan Manuel2012-06-072012-06-0720061794-4449http://hdl.handle.net/10567/430This work is intended to show how Nietzsche with his criticisms to churches, specially to the Christian one, evolves on his theoretical proposal, logically getting over the obstacles that come up between the human awakening, until the moment of his postulation of God’s death and “the antichrist” as necessary factors in the evolution of the true Christianism. Nietzsche, who postulates the new man, the super man, a Christ who incarnates crucifixion, becomes a Christian through his criticism.esDiosNietzscheCorporación Universitaria LasallistaTeologíaCristianismo y ateísmoSchopenhauerWagnerNietzsche, profeta del no ¿Un cristiano?Nietzsche, the prophet of no. ¿A christian?Article