Garcés Giraldo, Luís FernandoHernández Ángel, Marta Lucía2012-04-262012-04-2620041794-4449 rain is a phenomena associated to high production, depending mainly of fossilized fuel consuming and of certain agro cultural practices as burnings, which release several substances like sulphur and nitrogen oxides to the atmosphere, aporting the raw material to make up the sulphuric and nitric acids which later return to the hearth surface as liquids as sprays and affect the natural ecosystems. Rain water is slightly acid because it contains carbonic acid, formed from the atmospheric carbonic dioxide. Rain, which usually has a pH of approximately 5.6, can reach a measure close to 7.0, due to the presence of other alkaline substances in the atmosphere, and those substances neutralize the carbonic acid.esLluvia ácidaCorporación Universitaria LasallistaPrecipitación ácidaContaminación ambientalContaminación del aireContaminación atmosféricaLa lluvia ácida: un fenómeno fisicoquímico de ocurrencia localAcid rain, a physiochemical phenomena that occurs locallyArticle