Guerra Sánchez, Juan CarlosEstrada Montoya, CarolinaVillamizar Reatiga, Emilly2021-05-182021-05-182021 research study has a qualitative approach, with an action research method, inscribed in a descriptive scope, where it seeks to promote a holistic methodology supported by the construction of didactic material for interaction with the foreign language in the real context of the students. The project was developed in two public schools in Valle de Aburrá during two academic semesters, where the population was second and third grade, in addition to the cooperating teachers. In the first part, an observation process was carried out where the teaching methodology and the implemented materials were identified, then the planning of thematic units and the creation of materials for the participation of the researcher in the classroom were carried out, and finally the process of evaluation where the study was validated through two formats of assessment and production. The results showed that this methodology helped the participants in their teaching and learning process, demonstrating the different means, resources, strategies and activities that can be used in the classroom to interact with the language in a meaningful way.esAcceso AbiertoUnilasallista Corporación UniversitariaLicenciatura Educación Básica Primaria con Énfasis en inglés y FrancésMetodología de la investigaciónMateriales de enseñanzaLenguaje y aprendizajeLenguaje y educaciónAprendizaje significativoTD 372.24 V715A holistic methodology supported in the construction of teaching material for the interaction with EFL in the student’s real contextThesisinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAcces