Manco Rueda, Sergio Andrés2018-08-092018-08-092017Revista EN–Clave Social Vol. 6 N. 22256-3911 look at the current situation of rural education in Colombia, refers to broaching about the problems that cross the educational issue in these contexts. Some of them have to do with aspects related to the access to the school, school trajectories, the constructed learning and the contrast between the same and the common thing that inhabits the pedagogical proposals on which the rural school is based. This article addresses the concern about these situations in order to uncover the consequences in terms of social inequality that these problems bring with them. In addition, the intention is to think about interculturality as a pedagogical perspective that allows us to face them, seeking to mitigate the reproduction of social dynamics of subalternity, denial, control, discrimination and other nuances that are interwoven to give rise to a historical inequality to the that rural populations in Colombia have been subjected to.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaFacultad de Ciencias Sociales y EducaciónEducación ruralInterculturalidadPedagogía críticaDesigualdad socialCalidad de la educaciónModelos educativosEducación rural y desigualdades: Una mirada desde la perspectiva de interculturalidadRural education and inequalities: A look from the perspective of interculturalityEducação rural e desigualdades: uma olhe da perspectiva da interculturalidadeArticle