Jiménez, MónicaMuñoz, Jose Eliecer2016-10-132016-10-132015http://hdl.handle.net/10567/1617Addressing social service students in a building perspective thinking, is the object which this reflection has been proposed for this purpose uses a historical analysis of the elements that have shaped the thinking up to the Frankfurt school where takes some postulates to raise a meditation that takes the social service and educational dynamics behind it as a way of doing philosophy not only from theory but from the elements that can help analyze the contexts that they inhabit and young sense that transform from a liberating praxis. For them social practices projection-Bello La Salle College with a view to making them, practices that contribute to the construction of Social-Critical thinking retakeesAcceso abiertoLicenciatura en Educación básica con Énfasis en Ética, Valores Humanos y Educación ReligiosaCorporación Universitaria LasallistaPensamiento críticoEducación básica primariaUna reflexión sobre la importancia de generar pensamiento social-critico en la escuelaThesis