Garcés Giraldo, Luís FernandoBetancourt Cadavid, Jorge Hernán2018-08-272018-08-272017Revista EN–Clave Social Vol. 6 N. 12256-3911 of projecting the horizontality of what was not given, Husserl (cited in Walton, 2009, page 62) speaks of a permanent horizon as a ground that refines what has already been given, in the way of a panorama of knowability or a structure of determination. This prior giving of the world is constantly transformed by means of new sedimentations of meaning and validity. This work invites from the phenomenology to a look towards the past thanks to that we always have the experience of the same situation of a predated world. Husserl maintains that the world is always there for us, and for us it is a certainty of being, as the acquisition of effective experience up to now and of a horizon constantly projected with it of possible experience. In the repeated and indefinite explicitation of the world there is a reflective awareness of an orientation to the fullness of the world (Walton, 2009, p.63).esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaFacultad de Ciencias Sociales y EducaciónCulturaFamiliaMundo de la vidaHorizonteAnotaciones en torno al mundo de la vida: Die LebensweltArticle