Ospina Porras, AlexandraGonzález Arenas, Laura MarcelaVélez Ríos, Lina María2018-08-272018-08-272017Revista EN–Clave Social Vol. 6 N. 12256-3911http://hdl.handle.net/10567/2047This work aims to demonstrate the results on a bibliographic search made to obtain the background of a research process carried out within the Research Seedling of the Interdisciplinary Group of Pedagogical Studies - GIDEP, at the University of San Buenaventura of Medellín, and that has become the degree work of those who write. The topic addressed is about the practices of teachers who teach Mathematical Logics in preschool and first grades of basic education, for whom connectionism serves as an effective instrument to facilitate and stimulate formal thinking and its impact on the training processes. The topic is approached thanks to the fact that there is no doubt in the idea that the formal logical language is propitious to enhance the dimensions of the infants who are specially cared for in pre-school education.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaFacultad de Ciencias Sociales y EducaciónMatemáticas - EnseñanzaMapas mentalesCreatividadFormaciónLógica - MatemáticaDidácticaConexionismoPrácticas de los maestros en torno a la lógica matemática a través del conexionismoPractices of teachers around mathematical logics through connectionismPráticas dos mestres em torno à lógica matemática através do conexionismoArticle