Naranjo Boza, Nicolás2012-05-102012-05-1020041794-4449 theme: History of Ethics. Offers material to think about Ethics as a philosophical problem as well as a practical one. A complete artistotelian text in a Spanish translation from a classical English translation is presented. It includes an Introduction that: 1) Contextualizes the text. 2) Analyzes its formal structure as a didactic method to teach values. 3) Offers and interpretation about how the Ethics of a greek was appropriated by the Roman Catholic Church.Main theme: History of Ethics. Offers material to think about Ethics as a philosophical problem as well as a practical one. A complete artistotelian text in a Spanish translation from a classical English translation is presented. It includes an Introduction that: 1) Contextualizes the text. 2) Analyzes its formal structure as a didactic method to teach values. 3) Offers and interpretation about how the Ethics of a greek was appropriated by the Roman Catholic Church.esÉticaCorporación Universitaria LasallistaAristótelesVirtudesViciosValores“Sobre las virtudes y los vicios” de AristótelesOther