Rodríguez Gutiérrez, Julieth KatherineGómez Velasco, Nubia YanethHerrera Martínez, Yimy2018-07-192018-07-192017Revista Lasallista de Investigación Vol. 14 N. 21794-4449 Bibliometric studies have become an essential tool of support the management of scientific policy of different countries, their bibliometric indicators form part of the evaluation process of scientific activity implemented by organizations of Science and Technology, as Colciencias, in the case Colombian. Objective. Present some bibliometric techniques: indicators of production, circulation, and collaboration, analyzing the production scientific of research groups; referencing a case study. Materials and Methods. The information of articles analyzed, was obtained of the GrupLAC (platform Red-ScienTI of Colciencias), for research groups belonging area of biology, linked to Uptc. Present results of the production of the groups, and circulation and impact of publications, as well as the collaborations visualized through the coauthorship. Results. were found 162 articles (11.57 articles on average per year, and 1.45 articles on average per group), 37.7 % were in national coauthorship, and 62.3 %, international; 24.7 % were published in journals categorized (or homologated) in A2. Of concern is the high percentage of transiency index (72.15 %), indicating little production by the members of the research groups. Presents a high number of publications in journals which not have factor SJR. Conclusion. Exists low production of article per group, and the publishing strategy with more of one author, increasing over the years, low percentage of article with impact factor SJR and high percentage of authors with only one publication in 2001-2014.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaBibliometríaBiologíaProducción científicaInvestigación científicaPublicación científicaTécnicas bibliométricas en dinámicas de producción científica en grupos de investigación. Caso de estudio: Biología- UPTCTechnical bibliometrics in dynamics of production scientific of the research groups. Case Study - UPTC, BiologyTécnicas bibliométricas dinâmicas na produção em grupos de investigação científica. Estudo de caso: UPTC - BiologiaArticle