Guarín Toro, Lina ClaudiaEspinal Gómez, Laura2016-08-252016-08-252013 instructions manual of the Active Campaign tool, implemented by Grupo Éxito for using and monitoring the communication with the media, is a paper developed during a period of corporate internship that combined with the experience, permits to tell and teach about the benefits this software brings to an organization. This paper highlights the importance for a company to have an email marketing campaign with the objective of keeping permanent and organized communication with the media. In this particular case, the instructions manual of the Active Campaign tool that is implemented by Grupo Exito, was the main aspect to develop an analysis of its use. The process consists in a deep analysis about what e-mail marketing is. It was based on the daily life inside Grupo Exito, collecting data and analyzing it to end up with statistical results that allow to take the greatest advantage out of the tool, recognizing clearly each of its aspects. A complement to the tool was developed through interviews, anecdotes and research. It demonstrates the importance of a constant monitoring of the delivery of massive bulletins and it proves the added-value that is generated for the company‟s benefit. Finally, it permits to prepare a program that will facilitate the use of the software by a person without enough knowledge about it. Furthermore, it generates a report useful to update the company‟s data base, leaving aside the inactive mails, the spam and the ones that decided not to receive information; reducing the target public just to the ones that are really interested on the company‟s affairs.esAcceso abiertoCorporación Universitaria LasallistaComunicación y PeriodismoAlmacenes ÉxitoComunicación organizacionalComunicación - ManualesManual instructivo de la herramienta Active Campaing, implementada por el Grupo Éxito, para el aprovechamiento y el seguimiento al diálogo con los medios de comunicaciónThesis