Naranjo Boza, Nicolás2012-04-262012-04-2620041794-4449 text deals with the models that inspired Leonardo to make his notes (whether scientific or not). There is a study of his scientific writing which for 500 years has been a paradigm. The article exemplifies that to write well with a scientific approach the world around us must be observed and that language itself must be studied thoroughly. It briefly deals with the diverse writing styles that Leonardo explored. There is a discussion about the so-called “literary fables” actually being fables in the classical sense of the term and rather being scientific notes.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaLeonardo da VinciEscrituraLiteratura cientifícaRenacimientoFábulasSobre un arte literario único en las supuestas “fábulas” de Leonardo da Vinci (la unión entre ciencia, amor y arte)About a unique literary art in the supposed “fables” of Leonardo da Vinci (the union of science, love and art)Article