Zúñiga, Ana CristinaSáenz Tejada, GilmarGómez Gómez, Luis FelipeCañas, Steven Ángel2018-08-032018-08-032017Revista Producción + Limpia Vol. 12 N. 21909-0455http://hdl.handle.net/10567/1962Introduction. Transportation of perishable products is a topic deserving to be investigated with the purpose of providing elements to small and mediumsized companies for improving their logistic chain in national and international transportation. Objective. Show results derived from the analysis of variables used in the design of a refrigerant box for transporting biologicals. Materials and methods. This work is submitted as an original article resulting from the research generated in La Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, in the frame of the project “Strengthening of transfer, trading, and technologies valuation capacities,” financed by Innpulsa Colombia in the year 2015. Results. The work provides an analysis of alternative technologies, as well as a synthesis of some characteristics of the technology developed, in order to satisfy the needs of the market. Conclusion. The result of the research provides information about adequate variables for the design and optimization of the technology in order to obtain the appropriate balance among conservation, traceability and autonomy.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaÁrea Metropolitana del Valle de AburráConservaciónTrazabilidadCadena de fríoAutonomíaTransporte de alimentosAlgunas variables para la evaluación de tecnologías aislantes óptimas en la implementación en cajas refrigerantes portátiles. Corporación Universitaria LasallistaSome variables for the evaluation of optimal isolating technologies in the implementation of portable refrigerant boxes. Corporación Universitaria LasallistaAlgumas variáveis associadas ao desenho de uma caixa refrigerável portátil para transporte de biológicos, caso de estudo desenho de tecnologias de cadeia de frio. Corporación Universitaria LasallistaArticle