Montoya Moreno, FelipeRodríguez Penagos, Andrés2015-10-212015-10-212015-10-21 SAS, manufactures and sell dairy food yoghurt type 2 Litre family presentations using high industrialization during the stages of development, availing of wholesale as the best alternative to have great market coverage and high production volumes. Yogurt is a product of growing demand in our country invaded by informal production without any health guarantee plants, rudimentary processing and marketing systems where the cold chain and food safety are affected. A company like ours will have great opportunities in the market to offer a product of the highest quality, preserving the attributes of the product and prices never before seen by the end user, focusing our efforts on markets stratum 1, 2 and 3.esIngeniería de AlimentosCorporación Universitaria LasallistaYog S.A.SCreación de empresasYogur - ElaboraciónYog S.A.SThesis