Monsalve Buriticá, SantiagoRojano, CesarMartínez Gutiérrez, Lina María2013-11-052013-11-052013-11-052256-3342 case of pheripheral nerve sneath tumor in a 21 years of age Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris) is reported. The animal comes from an external conservation center in Colombia. This tiger had a swollen elbow joint at the lateral face of its left forelimb, developed during three months and reaching a 15 cm size. An incisional biopsy was performed in order to make a histopathological diagnosis of the injury. The diagnosis was compatible with a tumor of the pheripheral nerve seneath. The tumor was then surgically extracted. The tiger increased its condition and has not suffered any relapse. This is the first report in Colombia of an exotic feline with such a pathology.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaFacultad de Ciencias Administrativas y AgropecuariasTigre de bengala (panthera tigris)Tumores (Medicina Veterinaria)Cirugía veterinariaTumor de la vaina nerviosa periférica en un tigre de bengala (Panthera tigris)Tumor of the pheripheral nerve sneath in a bengal tiger (Panthera tigris)Tumor da bainha nervosa periferica num tigre de bengala (Panthera tigris)Article