Vélez Zuluaga, Juan Alberto2012-07-122012-07-1220071909-0455http://hdl.handle.net/10567/532Treating urban waste waters in treatment plants is a combination of physical, chemical and biological processes that generate great volumes of organic mud, which are very putrescible. To ease the handling of these, they are thickened, digested and dehydrated, thus becoming biosolids. Their later use, care and environmental restrictions will depend on the concentration of heavy metals, toxic pollutants and pathogen organisms. The persistence of some metals and their magnification with risks for human and environmental health, require an active surveillance of all of the processes that involve their use and final disposal.esBiosólidoCorporación Universitaria LasallistaÁrea Metropolitana del Valle de AburráTratamiento de aguas residualesFitorremediaciónMetales pesadosLodos orgánicosResiduos peligrososLos biosólidos: ¿una solución o un problema?Biosolids: A problem or a solution?Os bio-sólidos: Uma solução ou um problema?Article