Vargas Pineda, Óscar IvánTrujillo González, Juan ManuelTorres Mora, Marco Aurelio2018-08-162018-08-162017Revista Producción + Limpia Vol. 12 N. 11909-0455 The growth of agro-industrial sector is important bearing in mind the increase of micro companies of this sector, but, no matter their size, these micro companies are also responsible for generating wastes and using a large amount of water and electricity in their processes. Furthermore, it is necessary to implement cleaner production strategies, which are able to reduce impacts generated to the environment as a result of these type of activities. Objectives. To analyze the inclusion of environmental factors in agro-industrial micro companies in Villavicencio city. Materials and methods. Ten micro companies in Villavicencio city were analyzed and an environmental diagnosis methodology was applied with focused on a cleaner production. This diagnosis focused on analyzing the location in relation to Territorial Ordering Plan and factors of Energy use, Water use, Wastes and norms and licensing in micro companies. Results. 70 % of micro companies was duly located in relation to Territorial Ordering Plan; in relation to the use of energy and water there are few preventive measures generated for reducing or improving the pressure to these resources. In relation to wastes, norms and licensing, there are difficulties caused by the lack of knowledge of management mechanisms of the same. Conclusions. Implementation of cleaner production strategies in micro companies is difficult due to their low investment in preventive actions, bearing in mind that their competitiveness may be at risk.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaÁrea Metropolitana del Valle de AburráSector agroindustrialMicroempresasImpacto ambientalResiduosCompetitividadAnálisis de la inclusión de aspectos ambientales en microempresas agroindustriales de la ciudad de Villavicencio, ColombiaAnalysis of inclusion of environmental aspects in agro-industrial micro companies of Villavicencio City, ColombiaAnálise da inclusão de aspectos ambientais em microempresas agroindustriais da cidade de Villavicencio, ColômbiaArticle