Agudelo Betancur, Lina MarcelaMacías Mazo, Karina IsabelSuárez Mendoza, Alfredo José2012-05-172012-05-1720051794-4449 come from the treatment of waste water. As a special way to solve the problems they bring to environment, phytoremediation becomes an effective and cheap way to guarantee the result of biosolids without high content of contaminants, as heavy metals, and also guarantees that biosolids can be used as manure, among many other uses.esBiosólidoCorporación Universitaria LasallistaFitorremediaciónTratamiento de aguas residualesMetales pesadosContaminación ambientalResiduos sólidosFitorremediación: la alternativa para absorber metales pesados de los biosólidosPhytoremediation as an alternative to absorb heavy metals from biosolidsArticle