Stavro Tirado, Xiomara Ibeth2012-07-122012-07-1220071909-0455 depletion of the ozone layer, as a product of industrial activities and the use of certain substances in commercial and domestic matters, is the first great environmental problem mankind has had to acknowledge as the consequence of the technological and economical development of our society. International agreements intended to recover and protect the ozone layer –the Viena Agreement and the Montreal Protocol- must be seen as a triumph of international diplomacy, because they were able to achieve a consensus covering the interests of producers, industries, developed countries, underdeveloped countries and consumers, in general.esProtocolo de montrealOzono (O3)Agotamiento de la capa de ozonoSustancias agotadoras de la capa de ozonoÁrea Metropolitana del Valle de AburráCorporación Universitaria LasallistaClorofluorocarbonados (CFC)Convenio de vienaHidrofluorocarbonados (HFC)Implementación del Protocolo de Montreal en ColombiaImplementing the Montreal Protocol in ColombiaArticle