Zárate Cuello, Amparo de Jesús2015-03-202015-03-2020141909-0455http://hdl.handle.net/10567/1281A collateral finding from the research work “Analysis of homosexual matrimony from biolaw, bioethics and public biopolicies in Colombia: legislation compared to those from Holland and Spain” is introduced, aiming to establish the implications the egalitarian homosexual matrimony would have. The idea is to show the challenges for the nuclear family´s structure, comprised by a father and a mother, when a homoparental family structure appears as a result of the different modalities of polyamorous relationships, supported by the techno-scientific progress that allows the selection of human embryos for assisted human procreation with the in-vitro techni-ques. The article also approaches the adoption of children, a subject that brings bioethical dilemmas and reflec-tions from biolaw about the transformation of the juridical order of nuclear families.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaÁrea Metropolitana del Valle de AburráDerechoAdopciónMatrimonio homosexualIn vitroAdopción y procreación humana asistida homoparental en Colombia: problemas a la bioética y reflexiones del bioderechoHomoparental adoption and assisted human procreation in Colombia: bioethical problems and reflections from biolawAdoção e procriação humana assistida homoparentalidade na Colômbia: problemas à bioética e reflexões do biodireitoArticle