González García, ArturoGarcía García, YadiraGallego Quiceno, Dany EstebanSastoque Zapata, Jairo AndrésRamírez Juidia, Emilio2020-12-102020-12-102016Revista Producción + Limpia - Julio - Diciembre de 2016. Vol.11, No. 21909-0455http://hdl.handle.net/10567/2891Cloud computing is one of the state of the art technologies nowadays, due to the variety of uses we give to it such as information storage and video streaming, among others. Objective. Show the advances of cloud computing, keeping in mind the notion that this technology can be the base for the deployment of the internet of things. Materials and methods. By the use of the full potential cloud computing has as a technology to enable internet of things, it is easier to make this integration faster for the optimal deployment of this internet of things worldwide.Results. In order to achieve this integration between cloud computing and internet of things, the IPv6, cloud security, ubiquitous computing and service quality, among other concepts, are thoroughly described. Conclusion. The key elements to be considered in order to correctly deploy these technologies are established.esAcceso abiertoCorporación Universitaria LasallistaÁrea Metropolitana del Valle de AburráTecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC)Internet de las cosas (IoT)Seguridad InformáticaImpacto medioambiental de la integración de la computación en la nube y la Internet de las cosasBioestimulación de suelo impactado con aceite residual automotriz y fitorremediación con Zea MaysEnvironmental impact of cloud computing and the internet of thingsImpacto meio-ambiental da integração da computação na nuvem e a Internet das coisasinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAcces