Santana, Javier EnriquePuerta Monsalve, Astrid LiliGonzález, Valery Tatiana2021-09-302021-09-302021Producción + Limpia –Vol. 16 No 1 – enero/junio.1909-0455 Ulex Europaeus is a woody shrub Pertaining to the family Fabáceas of the legumes, Known internationally like Gorse and in Colombia with the name of Thorny Retamo. This perennial, opportunistic and spiny branching plant has a high invasive potential that adapts very well to disturbed ecosystems (Beltrán y Barrera, 2014), causing serious environmental impacts and ecosystem imbalance (Amaya-Villarreal y Rengifo, 2010). Objective. The objective of the study is to evaluate Ulex europaeus as a natural coagulant alternative for the primary treatment of water. Materials and methods. Methodologically it was prepared with Ulex europaeus solution the 1 % which was supplied at dosages 3, 6, 9, 12 y 15 mL and 3 (three) pH levels, following the coagulation-flocculation technique by testing jugs with confidence level 95 % (α=0.05). Results. Results It was obtained that this plant possesses coagulant properties, which at different dosages and pH levels are achieved achieving a turbidity removal efficiency of 40 % (pH 3 and coagulant solution dosage 6 mL). Conclusions. In this way, it is concluded that there is a direct relationship between the initial pH of the sample and the dosing volume of the coagulant solution, which affect the efficiencies of turbidity removalesAcceso abiertoUnilasallista Corporación UniversitariaÁrea Metropolitana del Valle de AburráCalidad del aguaContaminación del aguaTratamiento de aguasEvaluación de Ulex Europaeus (FABACEAE) como Coagulante Natural para el Tratamiento del Aguainfo:eu-repo/semantics/articleinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAcces