Forero Salazar, JuliethCastellanos Villamil, JéssicaImbol Cruz, Wílder Enrique2020-12-102020-12-102019Revista Producción + Limpia – Vol. 14 No 2–20191909-0455 study analyzes the current conditions of Colombia’s compliance with the goals proposed in the objective of sustainable development N ° 6 “Water and Sanitation”. The relationship between each goal and the actors involved in their fulfillment is presented: a nationalpanorama of the access of households to drinking water and sanitation to 2018, in order to determine the status of compliance with SDG N° 6. The work was carried out through the design of a matrix with data consulted on: the water quality index, treatment systems, water use and water intensity indices and pressure, state, response and information analysis. It was evidenced that SDG goals N° 6 set for 2018 are not met and concluded that Colombia has advanced in the implementation of strategies to achieve access to clean water and sanitation but still has a way to go to achieve the goals setesAcceso abiertoCorporación Universitaria LasallistaÁrea Metropolitana del Valle de AburráIndicadores bibliométricosAgua potableSistemas de agua y saneamientoCalidad del aguaColombia, ¿alineándose al cumplimiento del objetivo de desarrollo sostenible n°6 sobre agua limpia y saneamiento?Colombia, aligning itself to compliance with sustainable development objective n°6 on clean water and sanitation?Colombia, alinhando a conformidade com o objetivo de desenvolvimento sustentável nº 6 em água limpa e o saneamento?info:eu-repo/semantics/openAcces