Espinel, Blanca InésMonterrosa Castro, Iván JavierEspinosa Pérez, Alba2020-12-102020-12-102019Revista de Investigación Lasallista–Vol. 16 No 2–20191794-4449 paper shows the results of a research work related to the factors that influence consumer behavior: How is their purchase decision, what their preferences are when making their purchase, what their tastes and preferences are, if they find in each of the establishments the products they need, how they want them, and if they prefer to buy in neighborhood stores and supermarkets. Objective: Analyze preferences, age, tastes, needs, opinions, stratum and lifestyles for decision making. Materials and methods: A descriptive study was carried out, with stratified sampling, applying a survey to the consumers under study, corroborated with interviews with businesspeople. Results: The research allowed to know the sociocultural factors, preferences, age, tastes, needs, opinions, and stratum that influenced the decision-making to consume in neighborhood stores and supermarkets. It was corroborated that 62.9% buy in neighborhood stores due to credit facility, personalized attention, products offered at retail, friendship with people who are raised in the same neighborhood and the desire to socialize in stores. 56.3% said they would not change the store for the supermarket due to income level. For reasons of variety of products, 52.7% prefer to make a fortnightly grocery purchase. Conclusion: The initial hypothesis is confirmed. The main reason why consumers prefer to buy in neighborhood stores is because of the diversity, price and locationesAcceso abiertoCorporación Universitaria LasallistaComportamiento del consumidorAnálisis de mercadoPreferencia de los consumidoresComercios minoristasComercio mayoristaFactores que influyen en el comportamiento del consumidor de los negocios al detal y supermercados en el Caribe colombianoFactors influencing the behavior of retail stores and supermarkets’ consumers in the Colombian CaribbeanFatores que influenciam no comportamento do consumidor de empresas de varejo e supermercados na região do Caribe colombianoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAcces