Acosta Quiroz, Lina MaríaZuleta Valencia, Juan Felipe2016-10-312016-10-312015 document is the final report of the professional practice, requirement to obtain the title of journalist given by the Corporacion Universitaria Lasallista. This document describes a process composed by: diagnose, evidences and conclusions, is a process that aims to stablish, in the field of practical applicability, a plan of divulgation, as part of a communication strategy in which the Indigenous Management of the Department of Antioquia spreads a larger diffusion with the citizens about the projects that, as a technical unit, has the duty to support and coordinate, to benefit the indigenous community of the department. In the diagnosis phase, this report defines the principal problematics that the Indigenous Management has on its communicative dimension, at the level of the dependency as a part of the Social Inclusion Group of the department of Antioquia. The evidences that stands in this report point towards the objectives of the diagnosis, hoping to illustrate the problematics found in that phase, and at the same time, reflect the contents made during the practicum process, that can serve to display, how, where and with what end the contents of the Indigenous Management should be focused within its dissemination plan and being in consequence a route that has applicability, beyond the communication strategy proposed by this administration that ends this year, and for the next one, critical conjecture in the situation of the communicative situation of the Indigenous Management and the Social Inclusion Group (strategy that holds together several dependences with social character in which is included the Management that concerns us). Finally, there are the conclusions that arise from the preceding points, being this the moment of the process where the business practicum experiences convey and the feedback and final reflections of this academic experience concentrate and are contained in the final report.esAcceso abiertoCorporación Universitaria LasallistaComunicación y PeriodismoComunicación organizacionalComunicación interculturalComunicación intercultural en la Gerencia Indígena del Departamento de AntioquiaThesis