Ortiz Álvarez, José FernandoVillegas Cadavid, Luz Adriana2016-10-072016-10-072015http://hdl.handle.net/10567/1588The Plan of Integral Managing of Hospitable Residues involves aspects of planning, design, execution, operation, and administration; it allows to define in addition the limits for his integral management whit procedures to try and to arrange adequately the dangerous residues, to maximize the opportunities of utilization on having re-used and to commercialize the recyclable ones and having reduced and to arrange adequately the not usable ones, according to two components: that of internal management and that of external management. The residues generated in the Clinic Veterinary Zoomanía, of Envigado represent a risk of environmental pollution and of spread of infectious diseases for the community. His inadequate managing involves economic, social, political and environmental aspects that stem from the methods used for his treatment and final disposition.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaMedicina VeterinariaResiduos sólidos hospitalariosClínica Veterinaria ZoomaníaPlan de gestión integral de residuos hospitalarios en la Clínica Veterinaria ZoomaníaThesis