Hurtado Hernández, DanielaBáez Suárez, Paola Catherine2013-11-022013-11-0220122256-3342 Parvovirus, (CPV), is one of the main viral agents that affect canines regardless their age, but puppies are more likely to suffer from it. Nowadays, the world epidemiological situation of this disease is enzootic. Despite the availability of a vaccine, its dissemination is growing among canine populations from the South of the Aburrá Valley, the place in which the case analysis is focused. This article illustrates a brief and updated bibliographic revision of CPV, discussing the diagnostic plans, treatments and the prevention of this disease at a world scale. Cases in the South of the Aburrá Valley are also introduced, taking Clínica Veterinaria Lasallista Hermano Octavio Martínez as a reference.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaFacultad de Ciencias Administrativas y AgropecuariasParvovirosis caninaPerros - EnfermedadesValle de AburráPerrosNueva perspectiva del parvovirus caninoA New Perspective about canine parvovirusNova perspectiva do parvovírus caninoArticle