Ruiz Gómez, Sandra2018-08-092018-08-092017Revista EN–Clave Social Vol. 6 N. 22256-3911 terms of transit, there is little that has been innovated in services provided by areas such as inspections and that despite being conceived as a support structure for the jurisdictional branch, they contribute to the collapse of an ineffective system when administering justice. The “traditional” way in which procedures are carried out such as the public hearing, reduces the speed of processes. It is, therefore, necessary to use tools such as Communication and Information Technologies (hereinafter CIT) and propose alternative methods that allow these procedures to be carried out without violating the due process and that in turn give the citizen ease when appearing before the competent authority.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaFacultad de Ciencias Sociales y EducaciónAudiencias públicasRamas del poder públicoJusticiaAccidentes de tránsitoTecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC)Audiencias inteligentes. Tecnología al servicio de la sociedadAudiências inteligentes. Tecnologia ao serviço da sociedadeSmart Audiences. Technology at the Service of SocietyArticle