Vásquez Mejía, Sandra MilenaJiménez Cartagena, Claudio2012-08-022012-08-022012-08-02978-958-8406-17-6http://hdl.handle.net/10567/558This chapter aims to provide a reference of the regula-tions and the quality management systems applicable to the citrus´ sector in Colombia and in countries with which there is a commercial trade. Also, the demands made to citrus juices producers and processors are shown and the regulations are correlated with the traceability, the mo - nitoring of the maximum waste limits and the access to international markets as basic requirements for competitiveness. From that scope, the idea is to revise and identify the current difficulties the sector has, and its opportunities.esSistemas de gestión de calidad (SGC)Corporación Universitaria LasallistaCítricosCítricos - ColombiaLímites máximos de residuos (LMR)Cítricos - NormativasBuenas prácticas agrícolas (BPA)La normativa y los estándares de calidad como garantía de competitividadRegulation and quality standards as a competitiveness guaranteeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/article