Arias, María RocióLondoño Ospina, Sandra LorenaPinilla López, Manuela2016-08-122016-08-122014 present it is demonstrated as the interpersonal relations they meet involved in negative, such aspects as the school aggression, be afraid that every time it goes in increase; reason for which it performs great importance to give clarity to the different questions that arise with regard to the reason that goes to which the children attack at his par and that they it do inside the Educational Institution. To investigate across interviews on the circumstances that meet involved in this type of school aggression and specifically the styles parentales of these children aggressors, since of someone or another way the children reproduce out of house the form in which his parents relate to them and as this really they have a great incident in the school relations. To find immediately after the investigation that between 4 types of styles parentales the predominant one is the style parental authoritarian, who speaks about a relation between parents and children of a vertical form, where there is no great possibility of active participation on the part of the children, due to the fact that they are the parents those who take the relating decisions with the norm and discipline implemented in the home, giving the idea of that the one that has the power can do with him what he wishes, without importing what they are thinking or feeling other persons.esAcceso abiertoCorporación Universitaria LasallistaPsicologíaPsicología infantilInstitución Educativa Joaquín AristizábalEstilos parentales y su proyección en las relaciones escolares en un grupo de niños agresores en la Institución Educativa Joaquín Aristizabal en el Año 2013, ¿Es la escuela un reflejo de las relaciones en el hogar?Thesis