Naranjo Quintero, Verónica2014-10-162014-10-162014-10-161794-4449 text reflects on the concept of maternity and its meaning for the fulfillment of women´s lives, from the theological and the bioethical points of view. In order to do this, three moments are approached: The first one is the biblical narration of Sara and the Shunammite woman´s story. The second is about the assisted human reproduction techniques and the third is a question about why the body is forgotten in the assumptions interpreted from the social and cultural stereotypes it is usually framed within.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaInstitución Universitaria Colegio Mayor de AntioquiaUniversidad Pontificia BolivarianaBioéticaMaternidadTeologíaTécnicas de reproducción asistida humana ¿Disgregación del cuerpo femenino?Assisted human reproduction techniques: a disintegration of the female body?Técnicas de reprodução assistida humana desagregação do corpo feminino?info:eu-repo/semantics/article