Arroyave Rojas, Joan AmirBuiles Jaramillo, Luis AlejandroRodríguez Gaviria, Edna Margarita2012-08-302012-08-302012-08-302256-3903 paper is a reflection about the way human beings have established their relationship with the environment and how it has brought difficulties in the environmental management. It emphasizes on the planning and the management of water resources, making a general review of the advances in the regulation associated to water that has impacted the management. Finally, it proposes a discussion about a change of the paradigm and of the social and the environmental cultures favoring a better social/environmental management of water resources, procuring its sustainability at all of the different scales.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaFacultad de IngenieríasGestión ambientalSostenibilidadEducación ambientalMedio ambienteLa gestión socio-ambiental y el recurso hídricoSocial-environmental management and water resourcesA gestão socioambiental e o recurso hídricoArticle