Correa Correa, Edwin AdriánFranco Cardona, Carlos Jaime2022-01-182022-01-182021Revista Producción + Limpia –Vol. 16 No 21909-0455 commissioning of new plants is a fundamental part of the energy production process, the objective of this article is to present a methodology that allows Improving the Commissioning of wind and solar photovoltaic plants, for this the ISO 55000: 2014 and ISO 14224 standards were taken: 2016 and this results in a four-phase methodology:Phase 1: ISO 14224 Taxonomy Standard.Phase 2: ISO 31000 Standard Criticality.Phase 3: RCM (Reliability Centred Maintenance) Methodology.Phase 4: Contributions of the phases to the requirements of the ISO 55001 standard.It is concluded that by applying this methodology the commissioning of wind and solar photovoltaic plants is improvedesAcceso abiertoUnilasallista Corporación UniversitariaÁrea Metropolitana del Valle de AburráEnergía eólicaEnergía solarProducción y consumo de energíaGeneración de energía eléctricaMetodología para Mejorar el Comisionamiento de Plantas Nuevas Integrando las Normas ISO 55000:2014 y ISO 14224:2016, Caso de Estudio: Plantas de Generación Eléctrica Solar Fotovoltaica y Eólicainfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAcces