Manco Rueda, Sergio AndrésFranco Montoya, Juan CarlosAgudelo Torres, José FedericoParra Moncada, Patricia2020-12-102020-12-102019Revista Lasallista de Investigación–Vol. 16 No 2–20191794-4449 research reflection arises within the framework of the situation that Colombia was living in order to consolidate the peace agreement, so it was necessary to focus on the training of teachers, since these are social, ethical and political actors who, with their pedagogical work, contribute to the construction of a culture of peace. Objective: Unveil the discursive practices around education for peace and citizenship construction that circulate and are appropriated in the training of teachers in eight Faculties of Education and two Normal Schools in the department of Antioquia. Materials and methods: The research is qualitative with a phenomenological and documentary approach. The techniques used are: interview, focus group and documentary analysis; the instruments: interview guide, focus group guide and card for the analysis of institutional documents. The analysis was made with the information provided by each instrument and subsequently triangulated into a matrix of four meaning quadrants proposed by the researchers. Results: The meanings of the discursive practices were raised from four perspectives, namely subjective, objective, inter-subjective and inter-objective. Conclusions: The meanings of the discursive practices are placed from the subjective in one’s own knowledge, feeling and experience; from the objective in experiences, protocols and strategies; from the inter-subjective in the interrelation and discursive culture; and from the inter-objective in the institutionalization and explicit application of educational policiesesAcceso abiertoCorporación Universitaria LasallistaEducación para la pazCiudadaníaSentidosFormación de docentesSentidos de las prácticas discursivas en la formación de maestros en clave de educación para la paz y construcción de ciudadaníaMeaning of discursive practices in the training of teachers for peace and citizenship constructionSentidos das práticas discursivas na formação de educadores na chave da educação pela paz e a construção da cidadaniainfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAcces